Mission Trips

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

"Loving God, Loving People" is not confined just to the Midwestern USA.  Because God loves the whole world, we are called to expand the boundaries of our compassion and extend his love into other nations.

Our missions activities are based on the principles of partnering with and serving God's church in other nations.  In our missions teams and trips, we're responding to the invitations of Christians with whom we've partnered in that country.  We go because they've asked us to come!  Secondly, we go to serve, not to dominate.  We seek to strengthen what God is already doing, rather than dictating how we think things should be done.  We bring our gifts, love and resources to bless and help, not to control.

We are connected to many different missions initiatives around the world.

Upcoming Missions Trips

2025 Missions Trip by LIving Word and Mercy Hill to Japan from June 27 to July 7
  • Outreach-intensive trip, partnering with LifeShare Christian Center in Nagayo, Japan. 
  • Sharing Jesus with people who don't know the Gospel.
2025 Missions Trip by Living Word and Mercy Hill to Argentina from July 18 to July 27
  • Construction work on a local elementary school
  • Outreach to kids and the broader community
2025 Missions Trip by Living Word and Mercy Hill to Guatemala from October 17 to 26
  • Holistic ministry in the villages of Guatemala
  • Construction
  • Kids' ministry
  • Meeting the needs of the poor
Please prayerfully consider if God is leading you to participate in these opportunities to serve and support our various ministry partners overseas. Stop by the Welcome Center to pick up a flyer with details such as dates, cost, and specifics about ways we will serve in each location. Deadlines are looming, so don’t wait!